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Plant and fish-based diets promote health in humans and the environment – dietary changes can be supported in many ways

Finns are advised to eat more vegetables, whole grains and sustainably caught and farmed fish. At the same time, they should reduce their consumption of red meat, processed meat and foods rich in salt...

Transformative power of school meals

At COP28, the school meal consortium unveiled a white-paper showcasing the global impact that school meals can have in fostering sustainability. The Just food consortium contributed to this paper by h...

Just food Consortium Days 2023 - unveiling the path to a just food system

The Just food consortium kicked off its ninth meeting on 27 November 2023. The primary goal was to gather Just food researchers to discuss and share the outcomes of their empirical work and brainstorm...

Our second Just Food Policy Brief published

The just food transition can be achieved through cooperation between all actors in the food system and firm public guidance, summarizes the project’s second policy recommendation.

How could trade support sustainability?

Trade policy is a crucial element which has an influence on food system actors all over the globe.

The new policy recommendation encourages emissions reductions and carbon sequestration

The Just food project contributed to policy recommendations for cultivated peatlands and mineral lands.

Webinar on justice in transitions called for more learning across system transitions

At the “Justice in Transitions” webinar, environmental social science scholars shared insights from their research on justice in sustainability transitions in the food system, energy system, and the t...

Thoughts on the impact of research and those who need information

The goal of strategic research is to produce information to support decision-making. For this reason, research topics are selected so that they shed light on topical issues in society.

The Just food consortium meeting discussed impact and interaction

The fourth consortium meeting of the Just food project brought project participants together to discuss the impact of the project.

Transition pathways help assessment: what impacts do the emissions reduction measures of the food system have?

Just food explores how the Finnish food system should change in order to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions significantly.

REFLECT Webinar 3 June 2021: Justice in Transitions

Come and join the webinar to discuss the contribution of various approaches to justice to the understanding of inequalities and tensions caused by sustainability transitions.

Discussion on sustainable and healthy diets is hot

Symposium on Environmental Sustainability of Food Systems and Diets offered a broad collection of views to sustainable eating.

School meals matter

Practical experiences for halving the climate impact of school meals. Download the brochure with climate smart recipes!

Call for papers: Just food system transition in the context of climate change

In this thematic call, we open justice questions in food system transition into empirical, theoretical, and normative scrutiny

Policy recommendations for just food system transition - Just Food Policy Brief published

Just food system transition requires a policy bringing together different objectives and a broad range of stakeholders, summarizes the project’s first policy recommendation.

YHYS Colloquium collected together an interdisciplinary group of researchers to share insights on just transition

Just transition is a hybrid concept for the need to consider and reflect upon the issues of social and economic justice in the context of sustainability transitions.

Still going strong, despite COVID-19!

What a year it’s been! The the inspiration that springs up from face-to-face encounters and interactions is hard to replace. We've had to learn flexibility, tolerance for uncertainty and new ways of w...

Payment models in Community Supported Agriculture - How to distribute crop payments fairly?

The CSA meeting considered taking into account the economic or social situation of the members in the crop payments collected from them, while also ensuring an adequate livelihood for producers.

The consortium meeting summed up the results of the first year of the project

The Just food system project now has been going on for one year. A lot has already happened and researchers are facing a busy autumn when the research data can be studied properly.

New models of Community Supported Agriculture in test

The Just food project researches and tests different models of Community Supported Agriculture together with two cooperatives.


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