Etusivu > Julkaisut > Tieteelliset julkaisut > Tieteelliset julkaisut Tieteelliset julkaisut 2024 Minna Kaljonen, Ari Paloviita, Suvi Huttunen, Teea Kortetmäki. Policy mixes for just transitions: A holistic evaluation framework. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Volume 52 (2024). Lonkila, A., Lukkarinen, J., van Oers, L., Feola, G. Kaljonen, M. 2024. Just destabilisation? Considering justice in the phase-out of peat. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 52. Herzon, I., Mazac, R. Erkkola, ML, Garnett T., Hansson H., Jonell, M., Kaljonen M., Kortemäki, T., Lamminen, M., Lonkila, A., Niva M., Pajari A-M., Tribaldos, T., Toivonen, M., Tuomisto H.L., Koppelmäki, K. Röös, E. 2024. Both downsizing and improvements to livestock systems are needed to stay within planetary boundaries. Nature food, comment. Sares-Jäske, L., Tapanainen, H., Valsta, L., Haario, P., Männistö, S., Vaalavuo, M., 2024. Meat consumption and obesity: A climate-friendly way to reduce health inequalities. Public Health Challenges 3, e163. Xavier Irz, Laura Sares-Jäske, Heli Tapanainen, Jyrki Niemi, Laura Paalanen, Merja Saarinen, Liisa M Valsta. Assessing the Cost of Nutritionally Adequate and Low-Climate Impact Diets in Finland. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 8, Issue 5 (2024). Irz X, Tapanainen H, Saarinen M, Salminen J, Sares-Jäske L, Valsta LM. Reducing the carbon footprint of diets across socio-demographic groups in Finland: a mathematical optimisation study. Public Health Nutrition (2024). Huttunen, S., Tykkyläinen, R., Kaljonen, M., Kortetmäki, T., & Paloviita, A. (2024). Framing just transition: The case of sustainable food system transition in Finland. Environmental Policy and Governance, 1–13. 2023 Salminen, J. & Weckström, M. 2023. Water accounting as a tool for tracing the industries responsible for the point-source loads into water bodies. Water Research, vol. 241: 120142. Kaljonen, M., Jacobi, J., Korhonen-Kurki, K. et al. Reflexive use of methods: a framework for navigating different types of knowledge and power in transformative research. Sustain Sci (2023). Pastorino, Silvia; Springmann, Marco; Backlund, Ulrika; Kaljonen, Minna; Singh, Samrat; Hunter, Danny; Vargas, Melissa; Milani, Peiman; Bellanca, Raffaella; Eustachio Colombo, Patricia; Makowicz Bastos, Deborah; Manjella, Aurillia; Wasilwa, Lusike; Wasike, Victor; Bundy, Donald AP; the Research Consortium White Paper writing team; (2023) School meals and food systems: Rethinking the consequences for climate, environment, biodiversity, and food sovereignty. Discussion Paper. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London. Suikki T, Maukonen M, Kaartinen NE, Harald K, Bäck S, Sares-Jäske L, Härkänen T, Koskinen S, Jousilahti P, Pajari AM, Männistö S. Associations of EAT-Lancet Planetary Health Diet or Finnish Nutrition Recommendations with changes in obesity measures: a follow-up study in adults. Food Nutr Res. 2023 Dec 1;67. Meri Simojoki, Satu Männistö, Heli Tapanainen, Mirkka Maukonen, Liisa M. Valsta, Suvi T. Itkonen, Anne-Maria Pajari & Niina E. Kaartinen (2023) The impacts of partial replacement of red and processed meat with legumes or cereals on protein and amino acid intakes: a modelling study in the Finnish adult population, Annals of Medicine, 55:2. Kortetmäki, T., & Oksanen, M. (2023). Right to Food and Geoengineering. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 36, Article 5. Herzon, I., Mazac, R., Erkkola, M. et al. A rebalanced discussion of the roles of livestock in society. Nat Food 4, 926–927 (2023). Turunen, A., Aro, R. & Huttunen, S. Intra-Acting Food Citizenship in Community-Supported Agriculture in Finland. J Agric Environ Ethics 36, 15 (2023). Kyttä, V., Hyvönen, T. & Saarinen, M. Land-use-driven biodiversity impacts of diets—a comparison of two assessment methods in a Finnish case study. Int J Life Cycle Assess 28, 1104–1116 (2023). Action-oriented knowledge for sustainable management of organic soils in Finnish agriculture. Huan-Niemi, Ellen; Huttunen, Suvi; Paloviita, Ari; Puupponen, Antti; Lehtonen, Heikki & Niemi, Jyrki. Agricultural and Food Science, 32(2023). Justice in Finnish Food Policies. Puupponen, Antti; Huttunen, Suvi; Kortetmäki, Teea; Lähteenmäki-Uutela, Anu & Kaljonen, Minna. Food Ethics 8, 6(2023). Minna Kaljonen, Teea Kortetmäki, Theresa Tribaldos. Introduction to the special issue on just food system transition: Tackling inequalities for sustainability. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Volume 46, 2023. 2022 S. Maluf, R., Burlandy, L., P. Cintrão, R., Jomalinis, E., Santarelli, M. & Tribaldos, T. 2022. Global value chains, food and just transition: a multi-scale approach to Brazilian soy value chains. The Journal of Peasant Studies. S. Maluf, R., Burlandy, L., P. Cintrão, R., Jomalinis, E., C.O. Carvalho, T. & Tribaldos, T. 2022. Sustainability, justice and equity in food systems: Ideas and proposals in dispute in Brazil. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 45 (2022), 183-199. Toikkanen, J., Halme, P., Kahanpää, J. & Toivonen, M. 2022. Effects of landscape composition on hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in mass-flowering crop fields within forest-dominated landscapes. Journal of Insect Conservation. Lehtonen, H., Huan-Niemi, E. & Niemi, J. 2022. The transition of agriculture to low carbon pathways with regional distributive impacts. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 44(2022). Huttunen, S., Kaljonen, M., Turunen, A. 2022. Participation for just sustainability transition governance - lessons from food systems. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy. Toivonen, M., Huusela, E., Hyvönen, T., Marjamäki, P., Järvinen, A., Kuussaari, M. 2022. Effects of crop type and production method on arable biodiversity in boreal farmland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 337, 108061. Tribaldos, T., Kortetmäki, T. 2022. Just transition principles and criteria for food systems and beyond. Environmental Innovations and Societal Transitions 40, 474-485. Kaljonen, M., M. Niva. 2022. Kestävä syöminen ja arkisten käytäntöjen muutos. Teoksessa Laakso, S. ja R. Aro (toim.) Planeetan kokoinen arki. Gaudeamus, Helsinki s. 136-15. Kortetmäki, T. 2022. Agriculture and climate change: Ethical considerations. Swiss Federal Ethics Committee on Nonhuman Biotechnology ECNH publication series. Valsta LM, Tapanainen H, Kortetmäki T, Sares-Jäske L, Paalanen L, Kaartinen NE, Haario P, Kaljonen M. 2022. Disparities in Nutritional Adequacy of Diets between Different Socioeconomic Groups of Finnish Adults. Nutrients. 2022; 14(7):1347. Kaljonen, M., Ott, A., Huttunen, S., Lonkila, A. Kuusela J. 2022. Policy mixes for more vital legume value chains: evaluation across competing policy frames. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food. Puupponen, A., Lonkila, A., Savikurki, A., Karttunen, K., Huttunen, S., Ott, A. 2022. Finnish dairy farmers’ perceptions of justice in the transition to carbon-neutral farming. Journal of Rural Studies 90, 104–112. Toivonen, M., Karimaa, A.-E., Herzon, I., Kuussaari, M. 2022. Flies are important pollinators of mass-flowering caraway and respond to landscape and floral factors differently from honeybees. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 323, 107698. 2021 Huttunen, S., Rekola, A. 2021. Reilu siirtymä, ekologinen solidaarisuus ja kestävyysmurroksen mahdollisuus. Alue ja ympäristö 2/2021 s. 154-164. Lähteenmäki-Uutela, A., Bask, A., Laari, S., Korhonen, O. 2021. Valtion ja yritysten roolit ekohyvinvointivaltioon kytkeytyvien toimitusketjujen sääntelyssä. Alue ja ympäristö 2/2021. Vaalavuo, M., Tapanainen, H., Valsta, L., Sares-Jäske, L. 2021. Ilmastoympärillinen ruokavalio: haaste sosiaaliselle oikeudenmukaisuudelle? YP. Vol. 5-6 (2021). Sares-Jäske L, Valsta L, Haario P, Martelin T. 2021. Population group differences in subjective importance of meat in diet and red and processed meat consumption. Appetite. 2021 Dec 3:105836. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34871587. Salo, M., Savolainen, H., Karhinen, S., Nissinen, A. 2021. Drivers of household consumption expenditure and carbon footprints in Finland. Journal of Cleaner Production 289, 125607. Kaila, L., Ketola, J., Toivonen, M., Loukola, O., Hakala, K., Raiskio, S., Hurme, T., Jalli, M. 2021. Pesticide residues in honeybee-collected pollen: does the EU regulation protect honeybees from pesticides? Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Lonkila, A., Kaljonen, M. 2022. Ontological struggle over new product category: transition potential of meat alternatives. Environment Innovation and Societal Transitions 42, 1-11. Lähteenmäki-Uutela, A., Lonkila, A., Huttunen, S., Grmelová, N. 2021. Legal rights of private property owners vs. sustainability transitions? Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 323, 129179. Kaljonen, M., Kortetmäki, T., Tribaldos, T., Huttunen, S., Karttunen, K., Maluf, R.S., Niemi, J. Saarinen, M., Salminen, J., Vaalavuo, M., Valsta, L. 2021. Justice in transitions: widening considerations of justice in dietary transition. Environmental Innovation and Sustainability Transitions 40, 474-485 Toivonen, M., Herzon, I., Toikkanen, J., Kuussaari, M. 2021. Linking pollinator occurrence in field margins to pollinator visitation to a mass-flowering crop. Journal of Pollination Ecology 28, 153–166. Morris, C., M. Kaljonen, E. Hadley-Kershaw. 2021. Governing plant-centred eating at the urban scale in the UK: The Sustainable Food Cities network and the making of a dietary biopolitical project. The Geographical Journal 2021; 1-12. Llanque, A. ., Jacobi, J., Tribaldos, T., Mukhovi, S. ., Silvestre, C. ., Tecchio, A. ., Fernandez, L. ., Delgado, F. ., Kiteme, B. ., Maluf, R. ., Bessa, A. ., Speranza, C. I. ., & Rist, S. (2021). Transformations Towards Food Sustainability Using the Participatory Food Sustainability Assessment Framework (FoodSAF). Social Innovations Journal, 5. Paloviita, A. (2021). Developing a matrix framework for protein transition towards more sustainable diets. British Food Journal 123 (13), 73-87. Huttunen, S. (2021). Socio-cultural lock-ins and the difficulty of sustainability transition in fertilization – Response to Struckman. Nordia Geographical Publications, 49(5), 102-106. Kaljonen, M. (2021). Hyvä, paha kasvisruoka – tieto ja tunteet ympäristöpolitiikassa. Hetemäki, I, Kuusisto A-K., Lähteenmäki, M., Väliverronen, E. (toim.). Hyvä ja paha tieto. Gaudeamus, Helsinki, p. 264. Lonkila, A. & Kaljonen M. (2021). Promises of meat and milk alternatives – an integrative literature review on emergent research themes. Agriculture and Human Values, forthcoming 2020 Kortetmäki, T. & Oksanen, M. (2020). Is there a convincing case for climate veganism? Agriculture and Human Values. Jacobi, J., Mukhovi, S., Llanque, A. et al. (2020). A new understanding and evaluation of food sustainability in six different food systems in Kenya and Bolivia. Sci Rep 10, 19145. Huan-Niemi, E., Kaljonen M., Knuuttila M., Niemi J. & Saarinen, M. (2020). The impacts of dietary change in Finland: food system approach. Agriculture and Food Science 29, 4. Peltola, T., Kaljonen M. & Kettunen M. (2020). Public, embodied experiments in dietary transition: demonstrating alternative proteins at Finnish schools. Sustainability: Science, Policy and Practice 16, 184-196. Kaljonen, M., Salo, M. Lyytimäki, J. & Furman, E. (2020). From isolated labels and nudges to sustained tinkering: assessing long-term changes in sustainable eating at a lunch restaurant. British Food Journal. H. L. Rippin, J. Hutchinson, D. C. Greenwood, J. Jewell, J. J. Breda, A. Martin, D. M. Rippin, K. Schindler, P. Rust, S. Fagt, J. Matthiessen, E. Nurk, K. Nelis, M. Kukk, H. Tapanainen, L. Valsta, T. Heuer, E. Sarkadi-Nagy, M. Bakacs, S. Tazhibayev, T. Sharmanov, I. Spiroski, M. Beukers, C. van Rossum, M. Ocke, A. K. Lindroos, Eva Warensjö Lemming, J. E. Cade (2020). Inequalities in education and national income are associated with poorer diet: Pooled analysis of individual participant data across 12 European countries. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0232447. Weckström, M., Örmä V. & Salminen J. (2020). An order of magnitude: How a detailed real-data-based return water flow analysis identified large discrepancies in modeled water consumption volumes for Finland. Ecological Indicators. Toivonen, M. (2020). Luonnon palvelut lautasella. Teoksessa: Mattila, H. (toim.) Elämän verkko: luonnon monimuotoisuutta edistämässä. Gaudeamus. 2019 Puupponen, A. & Paloviita, A. (2019). Ruoka, maatalous ja kestävyysmurros puhuttivat tutkijoita Jyväskylässä. Maaseudun uusi aika, 27(3), 51-52. Rekola, A., Kaljonen, M., Terämä, E., Aro, R., Vainio, A., Vikström, S., & Paloniemi, R. (2019). Ilmasto-oikeudenmukaisuus suomalaisessa hyvinvointi- ja terveyspolitiikassa-Suuntaviivoja tutkimukselle. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti, 56(4). Kortetmäki, T. (2019). Tensions between food justice and climate change mitigation. In Vinnari E. & Vinnari M. (eds.): Sustainable governance and management of food systems. Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 53-58. Julkaistu 15.11.2022 klo 16.14, päivitetty 26.8.2024 klo 7.53 Jaa: