The objectives were clarified at a project consortium meeting

News 2020-04-29 at 14:47
Active chatter in small groups. © Kaisa Karttunen

The first consortium meeting of the Just food project took a major leap in defining the concepts and clarifying the objectives and schedules at Bosgård Farm in Porvoo.

The Just Transition – JUST FOOD project is a multidisciplinary project where everyone has their own specific expertise area. There is also a lot of collaboration with our research partners in diverse case studies. It is challenging to implement a major multidisciplinary project in such a way that avoids everyone simply engaging in their own work. Internalising the shared goals and concepts and translating them into meaningful research questions requires a lot of work, discussion and deliberation together.

Every time this fact surprises the Principal Investigator of the project, and its importance should not be understated. “I hope that the joint discussions at the consortium meeting gave everyone resources for further detailing their research questions and methods. We managed to jointly agree on the transition paths that we will now set out to analyse in more detail, as well as the guidelines for the development of criteria. This will help us to identify the key impacts from the point of view of fairness, both within and between the transition paths,” says Minna Kaljonen, Principal Investigator of the project.

konsortio tapaaminen porvoo 2
The manor provided an apt setting for pondering food transition. © Kaisa Karttunen

When discussing interaction and communications, there was active chatter in the small groups. Numerous new ideas of cooperation and communicating the messages to those who need the information were presented. “I believe that everyone now has a clearer view of what we mean with transition paths, criteria for fairness and the coordination of different objectives and methods in our project,” says Kaisa Karttunen, Head of Interaction for the project.

The meeting was organized at Bosgård Farm in Porvoo. The Farm produces organic beef from Charolais cattle which grazes at the shores of Pikku Pernajanlahti bay and by doing that maintains the landscape open. Touring the farm and working in the halls of the manor provided an apt setting for pondering food transition. The creative environment clearly had a positive impact on the focus and presence of the participants.

More information

  • Principal Investigator of Just food project Minna Kaljonen, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE,
  • Head of Interaction of Just food project Kaisa Karttunen, e2 Research,

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